By Ogbonna Amadi Entertainment Editor
Sylvia, a native of Anambra State for winning the crown, became a proud owner of a brand-new Hyundai car and cash prize of N3million.
In this interview Sylvia who said standing half naked before the audience made her nervous shares her dream and aspiration as the new Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN).
Did you ever imagine you’ll become the beauty queen?
Yes I did and it was fun all the way at the pageant. (Laughs).
Why did you enter for the contest?
I went there because I wanted to have fun and at the same time clinch the crown.
How did you get involved?
A friend of mine told me about the pageant and I got the form. But before now, I knew about the pageant and I’d heard many good things about it. I picked the form at the Silverbird Galleria, went for the first screening in Port-Harcourt and scaled through. The second screening was held in Lagos-I also scaled through.
Are you based in Port-Harcourt?
No, I live in Lagos.
So why did you go all the way to Port-Harcourt?
I was in Port-Harcourt for a wedding and was less busy so, I decided to attend the screening.
So what went through your mind when you passed the screening?
I was just wondering whether I’d be able to cope with the challenges.
Were you not intimidated by the number of girls who also came for the screening?
Not at all.
And what do you think is responsible for your winning?
Nothing and no one but God.
Did you parents know you put in for it?
No, I didn’t tell anybody until I scaled through the screening.
What did you tell your boyfriend?
I don’t have a boyfriend.
You have no boyfriend?
I don’t have a boyfriend
So how did your parent get to know about it?
I told my mother after I scaled through the last audition. She was so excited about it. She was happy for me because she believed in me.
And what did you father say about it?
He was happy too.
How many siblings do you have?
We are five in number-three girls and two boys and I’m the last.
Does that mean that we still have more beauties queens in the house?
They are all married-I’m the only unmarried among all.
What was your experience like in the house during the pageant?
It was wonderful and it’s an experience I won’t forget in a hurry.
What did you learn there?
How to endure
Endure what, pain?
Laughs. Sometimes, some of the girls get on my nerves. So I learned how to endure their weakness.
Apart from endurance, what other things did you learn?
I also learned to be humble
Have you ever stood half naked before strangers?
So how did you feel when you were asked to stand half naked before strangers?
Well, I wasn’t really worried but I must confess that at first, I was nervous that I’d be wearing the bikini in front of everyone. But later, the nervousness left.
So where did, you get the courage. ?
From my mother and God.
What went through your mind after you were crowned queen?
I was dazed but after some seconds, I got myself back
If given the opportunity to hide a part of your body, what part would that be?
Why would I want to hide anywhere?
Why did you cry after you were crowned queen?
It was tears of joy.
What went through your mind after you won all that money?
It was how I’m going to help the society. I need to make an impact in the lives of people.
Why would you think of giving away the money when the money hasn’t been given to you yet?
I should think of giving because givers never lack.
Who was the first person that called you after you won?
My mother was there but my father wasn’t. So it was my father whom I called first.
Where was he?
He was in London.
What does daddy do?
He’s a business man
…And your mother?
She works with First Bank.
Whom did you get your beauty from?
My father.
Is your mother not beautiful?
She is but I love my father so much.
What project would you like to use the money for?
I’ll like to give aids to children who don’t have the opportunity to go to school.
Miss World is very competitive. Do you have what it takes to win?
Yes I do
I have the confidence, charisma and the voice.
How do you describe yourself?
I’m down to earth.
Are you the party type?
No, I’m not. In fact, I’ve never been to a club. I go to parties when necessary
And you are a student?
Yes. I’m a student of the University of Lagos. I’m in my third year.
So how many of your friends have called?
Many of them have called and they are happy for me.
What’s your daily routine like?
When I wake up in the morning, I say my prayers, I go greet my father and I wait for my breakfast
You wait for your breakfast-don’t you cook?
My mother does that and I help out sometimes
You don’t wear makeup?
I do but it depends on the kind of dress I want to wear. But I don’t like heavy ones.
Can speak about beauty routine?
I wake up in the morning, I wash my face and take a glass of water, shower and get dressed.
And at night?
I wash off my make up and shower.
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