In making decisions, entrepreneurs and policy makers must have intelligent information at the ‘speed of thought’. The vision for Uzo Nduka, chief executive, Domino Information Company Limited and his team is to research, develop and offer total information management solutions well ahead of anything available today.
Nduka says, “We are determined to keep innovating information management solutions. We envision a time in the near future when managers in the public or private sector, will automatically think about us whenever they come to a decision-crossroads.”
He continues, “Innovation is vital to any economy’s greatness. Some people in Nigeria are busy registering logos and business names with the hope of earning dubious income when the real brand owner wants to come and do business in the country. This practice might make one rich but is actually of no real economic value to the nation. What brings economic greatness to a nation is the innovation of new products and services. It is such creative genius that set America on the path to economic greatness. Japan, China and many other first-world nations have followed their own unique pathways in this same direction.
They all innovated and offered new products and services to the world, and doing this set them on the path to greatness. Nigeria’s leadership needs to give greater public recognition to creative and innovative Nigerians. Nigeria has become a dumping ground for all sorts of sub-standard goods. The way to change that is to encourage innovation.
At Domino, we are determined take out 100 other patents apart from the one we have over the next five to 10 years. We have already come out with some innovative products. These include The Business Manager for Entrepreneurs and Domino Alpha-One. The latter is a project management software application for managers in the public sector. The innovation in Domino Alpha-One is simple but fundamental. It is about recognising that one size does not fit both the public and private sector managers when it comes to project management tools.
The underlying performance logic for effective management in the private sector has profit at its heart. In the public sector the most important consideration is the value created for citizens, and the improvements on the quality of their lives.
In fact, there is something very wrong with a public institution that ever claims it has made profit! How, from where and for whom? Public institutions should not make profit. They should generate revenue and deploy same to deliver public goods and services. Domino Alpha-One project management software application has taken this difference in outlook into consideration and created a first-in-kind application for managers in the public sector.
Innovation is the most important source of competitive advantage for Domino Information Company Limited. It is what puts us ahead of the competitors and of pirates because it gives us a head start. If the piracy law in the country is enforced the way it should be, innovators would enjoy a near monopoly for quite some time before substitute products are introduced into the market.
Business lab
In a year’s time, we are planning to set up a commercial business laboratory where we would conceptualise, create and perfect many more products that would go to the market. Products that have commercial value and that meet the needs of customers.
Business Manager for entrepreneurs
The BM is offered to the market both as a software application and as a resource in print format. Entrepreneurs can use this tool to manage every vital aspect of a micro, small or medium scale (MSME) business: planning, marketing, operations, finance, HR, etc. The BM is the ultimate resource for entrepreneurs. It allows startups to mirror the best management and corporate governance practices of the most successful companies all over the world. The natural analogy is a healthy new born baby that has all the qualities and features s/he needs to become a mother or father at birth. Likewise, a healthy small business must have everything it needs on a micro scale from day one to grow into a big multinational corporation. If not, it would be very difficult trying to force-fit these features some years later. That is the solution the business manager provides. Billl Gates started small but became successful not just because he could write codes but because he could commercialise his products. There are people who have superior programming skills to Bill Gates but do not know how to commercialise it. The business manager helps to solve that.
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