Monday, August 8, 2011

LCP, NABAMS, creates platform for students on entrepreneurship

In a bid to curb the rate of unemployment among youth in the country, the National Association of Business Administration and Management, NABAMS, Lagos City Polytechnic, LCP, has disclosed that the association is doing everything possible to inculcate in the students the need to become great entrepreneurs as well as job creators instead of job seekers.
Student Entrepreneurs
He also said the association has set up a platform to enable the students become great entrepreneurs and employers of labour instead of wait endlessly for employment after graduation, adding that considering the environmental state of the country at the moment, the labour market does not need job seekers rather what they really need is job creators and those that will build businesses just like they are doing all things possible to be great entrepreneurs and job creators other than becoming job seekers.
The President of the association, Toluwaope Solomon Solade said this recently, during the departments annual association day held at the school premises in Lagos.
He further noted that the association usually maps out a day every year to celebrate the students, the lecturers and to encourage themselves as students to try all things possible towards achieving greater heights in all ramification. In order words, the guest speaker spoke on the relationship between societal problems and business opportunities in the country which has been able to make the students understand that in any environment no matter how good or bad it is there is a business opportunity.
“We are doing all hings possible to see how we can turn every problems within our society into a business opportunity. What we can do to that effect to curb the situation is to get the students enlightened and inform them about the situation first of all as we are doing already, which is the reason for this event. Last semester, we had a seminar on entrepreneurship and leadership and we taught the students how to make soap, insecticides and we also taught them how to raise funds by themselves for businesses as well as getting into partnership businesses with other of its likes.”
Speaking on the Boko Haram sect, he described the situation as unfortunate as he said its madness for a particular group killing innocent citizens in the name of fighting for a just course, adding that the killing of youth coup members in the country will not solve any issue as it will go ahead to aggravate more problems in the country.
“The National Youth Service Coup (NYSC) is a very good idea and I welcome it. At least getting people from one locality to the other to serve the nation is a great experience. It helps bring a sense of responsibility to Nigerians but the process of killing these people is what is crazy because you can't imagine spending over five years in the school, study all day long and go through the stress of hazard educational condition in the country only to be killed in cold blood all in the name of serving the nation which means that security must be addressed in the country if the situation must be curbed.” H said
He though commended educational system in the country despite its many troubles as he said the government are trying on their part though they still need to do more to bring it near perfection. It has been said that to be successful, one needs to think of what to do for the country rather than thinking of what the country will do for you.
“I am not relying on the government for anything. I am looking for a way in which youth will do things to turn around their situation, help themselves in the process without waiting for the government. The government has so much to think of and they are trying their best to make things work. However, I still do not wait for them for anything. I am also trying my hands on various business opportunities as well and as also encourage others. We need to look for a problem to solve in the society. In order words, we are trying our best to bring the youth together, form an association for the betterment of the nation as well as create a good business environment for the younger ones.” He said.

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