Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Martha Ankoma
Just because society approves of something does not make it right in Gods eyes. Our society at large also approves of abortion and divorce. However, the bible makes it clear that God doesn’t approve of these things.

Beautiful and enterprising Actress, Martha Ankomah in an interview revealed to us that tattooing is a bad practice which is against the bible.

This revelation was made known to this writer after she had been quized why she was not going into Tattooing with such fresh body of hers. She made it known to us that she is not tattooing because the bible has made it clear that anyone who tattoos is a sinner.

Although she did not get the bible quotation correct after she had mentioned it, we found the text somewhere in revelations. We tried doing a few research into the bible and we have another text to share with our readers “Leviticus 19; 28” and it reads;” Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves .I am the Lord.”


Kwame said...

When did you suddenly become a preacher to tell us what is god and wht i bad. the fact that you dont like it does not make you a judge over others. Are you better?

Jennifer said...

Teell them my dear. i knew it that there was something different about you. I have always like you as a person. Keep the good faith and preach the world to them.

Grandmaster said...

what is she saying? please if you don't have better things to say, then look for words else where.