My kissing game with Charly Boy
He needs no introduction; especially if you’ve seen a picture of Charly Boy kissing a younger chap. This is Denrele like never before
You keep popping up everywhere. What’s your mission here?
We’re shooting ‘The return of Jenifa’ and I have a very hilarious role in it. I don’t exactly try to be everywhere but I try to be consistent and as relevant as possible. I also like to be in peoples’ faces. I don’t necessarily seek attention. It comes naturally. I’ve boycotted a couple of shows that I know the whole world is likely to be. I just seem to have my hands in everything .
How did you land the role?
Funke (Akindele) called me up one day and said she had a role for me in a movie called ‘Akorede’.We shot that but my Yoruba was faulty. She later told me about ‘The return of Jenifa’ and we’ve been lodged here on set for over a week. She practically hijacked me. My role is showbiz inclined. I’m a dance instructor in the movie.
We’ve been moving around sets from the hospital to the airport and we even had a concert in UniLag where eLDee performed.
For how much has Funke hired your service?
Funke has invested a lot of capital ,energy and time in having a large crew .We’re family .
Talking about boycotting shows, you were missing at the last SMVA. Why ?
After the scandal which I know we’ll still talk about, I just felt like being in the news again. I wanted to stir up trouble that will get every one distracted from the scandal .
Where do you work now?
I work with Soundcity. Just this week end, I was in Abuja to cover Face of Selera for my company I’ve been doing that for three years now this is the third edition. I recorded for Soundcity back stage and red carpet. I still work there.
So what‘s the true situation of things between you and your boss- Tajudeen Adepetu?
I and Teju are chums .He’s been a fantastic boss. He gave me a great opportunity so I won’t say any thing negative. I still work with him.
The only problem was that I didn’t go to work for two months and it pissed him off. I was busy chasing other stuffs. I will be sincere with you , the reason I didn’t go to work was because I’ve never gone on leave in my five years of working with Soundcity.
There was a time I was really craving Dublin’ ‘cos I’ve not seen my mum in ten years but there was no time, so I decided to take the time off. I traveled to Malaysia for my own show and to Dubai too. I know it was very wrong of me to take off time like that working in a company and I apologized when I got back .I don’t think my boss took it well but I needed the break.
How is Tilewa your girlfriend doing?
She’s doing fine. We just fought this afternoon because I missed her morning calls. But she’s doing fine in her office.
And how is Charly Boy?
Charley Boy is fantastic – my Popsy .He’s doing great with his wife and kids. His son is back. The first question he asked me was, what the hell is going on with you and my father? I said, ‘I don’t understand’. But over all CB is fine
What’s going on between you and Charly Boy? Did that picture happen or was it computer generated?
There are some things I like to be mysterious about. People have been going on and on about my sexuality like they really care. Finally, this picture shows up and it’s like they’ve found evidence. Meanwhile, the picture could just be a controversial agenda, a publicity stunt, a photoshop creation or even the real deal. People should make out what ever they chose.
Do you blame people for reacting the way they did to the picture ?
I shouldn’t say it was unfair the way they reacted to the pictures. Just that they were extreme .One minute they say, ‘Charly Boy’s wife is divorcing him’. Next thing, ‘my parents have thrown me out’. Then, ‘My boss is sacking me’. They’ve said all manner of things.
Let’s set things straight. Did you kiss Charly Boy?
What do you all think? I think that’ll remain a rhetorical question. I feel people should make out what they like.
Where were you when you first saw the picture? And what came to your mind?
I was in Malaysia. I was really shocked, I won’t lie to you. Somebody sent it to me on my BB from the US. I had just finished shopping and was really excited. But when I got the message I was dazed for the first five minutes. I’m a kind of person that nothing ever brings me down but for the first few minutes….Then someone from U k sent it to me, and then Germany, later Brazil, in fact Nigerians saw it late. Knowing how nasty people are, some people used it as profile picture and all sort. Even some friends.
What went through your mind in the first five minutes?
In that first five minutes, my reaction was ‘oh my goodness. If my parents see this what will they say’? You know because there ‘ll always be crazy members who ‘ll react. I just had to clear my head else I’d have been messed up.
I could have been hibernating because of that, but I didn’t let that get to me . I jolted back after the five
minutes and told myself , “this should not bring you down”. I think I’m one of the strongest persons alive. I sat back, checked on Twitter and saw all the rubbish people were writing. I answered those I could, till my battery went flat.
I just went out clubbing to cool off. By the time I came back (to Nigeria) people started buzzing me right from the airport. Imagine what it’s like sitting in traffic and vendors are running after you saying “see yourself ,see wetin you do with Charly Boy . Buy it. buy it”. And then people are pointing at you from their cars… You get all sorts of sneers.
And how does all that make you feel?
I feel on top of the world, trust me. I’m used to people pointing at me. I just shut my mind to negative criticisms. I was thinking of how I could make positivity out of the situation, but I just didn’t see it .I couldn’t find a way to switch it around .Truth be told ,Charly Boy is a well defined brand but I was at the centre of it all. It was me people kept buzzing about it.
I just called my dad and said this is the deal get ready for this scandal that’s about to break out. My sisters even call me ‘scandal’ in the house. Because I was looking lighter when I returned from Malaysia, they said I had gone to Malaysia to bleach my skin. Then there is the funny one (rumour) that says I had a child in my teenage days .
That marveled me because the same people say I’m too sexually twisted to function so where did the child come from. I just decided to see the humor in every thing .
For fans who ask you sincerely if you took the pictures, what do you tell them?
Let me give you this instance. I went to Rehab for Halloween night. And some high school girls approached me asking where is Charly Boy. I said ‘I got tired of kissing him and moved on to some body else’. I just make them laugh about it.
Are you saying you had never seen that picture until some one sent it to you?
Yes and I’m very sincere. I have it on my phone now. I saved it much later. I have it for keep sake.
What do you make of this scandal?
For me I think that’s the height .There’s nothing worse that I can imagine any one else doing to me that could drag me down .
Was the picture familiar any way?
I’ll be very sincere, I could define that picture. The picture came right after I hosted Charly Boy ‘s Battle of the Gifted in Abuja. That was when the speculations began because of my close relationship with Charly Boy.
There was a time I stayed in his house for three days and we had a photo shoot for Charly Boy magazine. The outfits were Domini trick, militant and black because we wanted to look tough. I remember that hair do. It was the first time I was trying out colorful extension It was Sleek (hair range) that gave it to me. I hosted Face of Sleek last year December.
They hadn’t payed me so they called me to come and pick up (hair) extensions at least. I picked all the colors and stuck it to my head. CB’s picture looked very fresh . But that outfit I had on is an old one and I don’t even know where it is. I’m definitely more affected than Charley Boy.
Have you tried to imagine the source of the picture?
Yes I have. I actually sat down to ask myself during the first five minutes that I got the picture. I remember when we were having the photo shoot, they were father and son pictures. I had my head on his shoulder at some point.
Did you try to pinpoint who’s capable of doing such?
I tried but I didn’t want to flip the lid on any body so I don’t accuse any one falsely.
But why would any one try to scandalize you further?
I just think it’s a price you have to pay for fame. People like to drive the final nail into some one’s coffin. But then they didn’t consider my personality and strong will .The pictures I know that I took with CB magazine were taken on the streets and then his house. The ones taken in his house were in the presence of his older sister, his Aunt and Dad. We took them right in front of these people so about the whole kissing thing, let people make out what they like.
How did Tilewa take it?
She didn’t like it at first. Things get to her easily. Immediately those pictures came out , some of my friends just told me to alert my immediate family that will be most concerned. For Tilewa ,every body was sending the picture to her and she saw people’s conversation on the topic and together they got to her. I explained to her any way
So what did you tell your 69year old father?
I called every body into my room and announced ,”there is scandal o!”.And I told them what was going on. It’s just a Nigerian mentality. Some people looked at me and they like the whole regalia and boldness but they can’t dare it.
There are some people that are very hypocritical simply because they’ve not attained the kind of acceptance I have. I struggled to be accepted .I showed my Dad the picture on my phone. My sisters already had it .I just had to prepare his mind because I knew he would go to church and people would report me .
What exactly did you tell him?
I think that will let the cat out of the bag. So when he saw the papers he simply laughed over it. My Dad is am elderly man so he simply said the news will die sooner than we expect.
What is the twitter side of the story?
I wanted to see what people were saying about it so I contacted the CEO vie e-mail. I goggled up his name. I told him I am an On Air Personality in my country and I’d really like to know what people are saying about me.
So I gave him my name and all the likely spellings. That way every tweet mentioning my name pops up in DM. When I re-tweet some of them, people attacked me
Why do you re-tweet negative comment?
I read them and find them hilarious and I want others to read up what some people are saying so they can see how feeble minded some people are .
Did you lose any thing because of this scandal?
No I have not lost any thing yet. Maybe I might, may be I’m unaware. But I have a feeling that some things were supposed to happen and I must have lost therm because of this.
A major company (I don’t want to mention the brand ) had called me earlier for branding but because of the scandal, they dropped me .
Do you feel bad because of that?
Me, feel? I don’t let any thing bring me down. I never regret things happening to me. When I was alone the first five minutes, I wondered why this had to happen to me. I asked my self if I caused it or if it was bound to happen or what .
Did you contact CB when you saw the picture?
I did, but couldn’t get through on his phone so I sent a text saying what I saw. He sent me a reply saying I should deal with it for the first few days. I didn’t see the humor in it .
Do you fast forward to five or ten years from now and imagine what this picture could do to your future?
I’m happy that the pictures came out now. I remember Eve, the American Rapper’s story .She used to be a stripper when she was young and that was before she got into showbiz. Those pictures leaked .I’m happy that something of this capacity has come forth .I can’t think of anything bigger (scandal)coming up that would be worse than this. I think this is the height expected, some one probably take any naked picture
Any plans for your Dad’s 70th birthday?
To celebrate someone who has tolerated me for 27years, there has to be a major plan. That man let me express my individuality and swallowed horrible remarks from people for my sake. I will shake Lagos for him. He’s not the richest man in the world but he’s given me multiple respect. His birthday’s on November 17 and we’ll start celebrations from the church because he’s a ‘Fellow’ in church. I’ve told all the artistes you can think of; from Obesere to Pasuma and the Hip Hop artistes.